What are some of the most inspiring climate initiatives in the Kootenays? Find out at the 3rd annual TEDxSelkirkCollege Countdown event being held virtually on Sunday, November 6th from 3:00 - 5:00pm. The event is a collaboration between the West Kootenay Climate Hub and Sustainable Selkirk.
“Countdown is TED’s global initiative to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis”, says Laura Nessman, Sustainability Coordinator at Selkirk College. “This event highlights what locals are doing to step up to this challenge. Come be inspired by what is happening in our local area”.
The event will feature over a dozen locals giving short, “TED style” talks ranging from grassroot initiatives to industry focused projects.
Are you interested in a fully accessible active transportation corridor between Nelson and Castlegar? Solita Work will share the vision and work being done by the West Kootenay Cycling Coalition. Kaitlyn Taburiaux, Selkirk College Rural Pre-Medicine graduate, will highlight her recent research on youth climate anxiety, followed up with two experienced practitioners, Sarah West and Malin Christensson, offering practical ideas on how we can address our own climate anxieties. We’ll also hear from Jacomien van Tonder about initiatives that Metal Tech Alley is leading with industry to build a circular economy in the Kootenays.
Other talks will include Bruno-Charles Busseau, researcher with Selkirk Innovates about the role of laser imaging to help reduce wildfire risk and Joelle Burnie with Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society ****. Olga and Elizabeth Hallborg will share the successes of the Castlegar Butterflyway, while Melissa Lavery, who heads the Youth Climate Corp in the West Kootenay, will be joined by Alex Leffalaar, a past participant who currently is working with RDCK on their climate plan. The event will also feature musical performances by Sapphire Guthrie, student of Selkirk College’s Contemporary Music Program.
Since launching in 2020, TED Countdown events have been hosted across the world, reaching over 100 million people. Get inspired by over 100 powerful TED Countdown talks online at countdown.ted.com.
This local TEDx Countdown event is hosted by Selkirk College Sustainability and the West Kootenay Climate Hub.
“Let's build a future that is safer, cleaner and fairer for everyone by cutting greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030”, expresses Laura Sacks of the West Kootenay Climate Hub.
The November 6 online event is free, but pre-registration is required. You can find more information and links to registration at www.selkirk.ca/tedxselkirkcollege.