Clearing the Air
Our 10-part series of columns published in local area papers
Local Resource Websites
Nelson Public Library: climate change action
Columbia Basin Climate Source: Climate information resource for the Columbia Basin Boundary Region

Climate Action Venn Diagrams: Ayana Elizabeth Johnson's way to help find your meaningful way to help address the climate crisis.​

Adaptive Cycle: A framework for understanding and navigating changes.
Download an Adaptive Cycle PDF
Contact your local government
Click the community buttons above to show email addresses.
Contact info is also available on this Google spreadsheet.
Look up BC municipalities on the CivicInfo BC website.
Regional District of Kootenay Boundary showcases director contacts on their website.
School Districts include Trustee contacts on their websites:
RDCK Petition (2023)
Recognizing that climate change is impacting our residents right now with floods, extreme heat, landslides and wildfire, the Climate Hub created and shared a petition for residents to sign, asking the RDCK Board to prioritize climate action.
2022 Election Survey
Where do local candidates stand on climate? In collaboration with the Doctors & Nurses for Planetary Health Kootenay Boundary, we conducted a survey of all local candidates throughout the West Kootenay running for mayor, city council, regional district director, and school trustee.